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Horizontal Distributor (New) without base or tachometer drive
Horizontal Distributor (New) without base or tachometer drive
Price:  $458.92 each
Catalog Number:   FP30856
IH Number:
Tractor Models: Fits Several Models
Year Range:
Call to Order: 888-288-0550
Detailed Description:
40 Degrees total advance
Clockwise rotation
32 Tooth drive gear
Includes points, condenser, cap and rotor
Check points to be sure they are set at .020"

Please note: This cannot be used to replace a magneto by itself. It can replace the magneto if you purchase the distributor drive housing, distributor drive shaft, (2) distributor hold down clamps & corresponding coil. For tractors w/o tach drive, you will need to buy a cover for the drive hole.

Does not fit W9 series, or gas over diesel engines.

A gas or LP
I4 gas or LP
AV gas or LP
Super A gas or LP
Super AV gas or LP
B gas or LP
BN gas or LP
C gas or LP
Super C gas or LP
Cub gas or LP
Cub Loboy gas or LP
154 gas or LP
184 gas or LP
185 gas or LP
H gas or LP
HV gas or LP
Super H gas or LP
Super HV gas or LP
M gas or LP
Super M gas or LP
MTA gas or LP
Super MTA gas or LP
MV gas or LP
Super MV gas or LP
O4 gas or LP
O6 gas or LP
OS4 gas or LP
OS6 gas or LP
T340 gas or LP Crawler
T5 gas or LP Crawler
T6 gas or LP Crawler
Super W4 gas or LP
W4 gas or LP
Super W6 gas or LP
W6 gas or LP
W6TA gas or LP
100 gas or LP
130 gas or LP
140 gas or LP
200 gas or LP
230 gas or LP
240 gas or LP
300 gas or LP
330 gas or LP
340 gas or LP
350 gas or LP
400 gas or LP
W400 gas or LP
404 gas or LP
424 gas or LP
444 gas or LP
450 gas or LP
W450 gas or LP

Horizontal Distributor (New) without base or tachometer drive

Call to Order: 888-288-0550
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