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POR-15 Epoxy Putty
POR-15 Epoxy Putty
Price:  $33.22 each
Catalog Number:   FP24060
IH Number:
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Call to Order: 888-288-0550
Detailed Description:

'Unbelievable', that's what restorers say when they see a demonstration of this incredible EPOXY PUTTY product.

It's so strong you can drill and tap it, yet gentle enough that you can apply it with your bare fingers.

And since it's WATER BASED, you can simply wet your fingers, and work with it until it is almost perfectly smooth before it dries - eliminating most sanding! But when it cures, it's ROCK HARD, making it perfect for repairing steel, plastics, concrete, etc. Amazingly, it even sticks to damp surfaces, and will cure UNDERWATER, so it can be used to fix leaking basement walls, swimming pools, plumbing fixtures and so much more. Put some EPOXY PUTTY in your toolbox today. You'll find yourself using it all over your shop and home.

Another Great POR-15 Product!

POR-15 Epoxy Putty

Call to Order: 888-288-0550
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