This is a brand new operators manual for a Farmall Super MD. The operators manual (AKA owners manual) came with the tractor. It gives the owner/operator instructions, shift patterns, capacities (anti freeze, crankcase, etc.) and adjustment procedures (brakes, clutch, etc.). This is a critical tool for operating and maintaining your tractor.
Original operators manual for Vibra Shank Cultivators. Still in original plastic.Original operators manual for Vibra Shank Cultivators. Still in original plastic.
Original operators manual for 183 Series Vibra-Time and Vibra Shank Cultivators.
original Copy of Operators Manual McCormick International 101 Combine fair condition
Operators Manual Setting up instructions for International 163 Series Cultivator six and eight-Row (36 to 40in)
Original copy of Operators Manual International 2001 Loader, Fair condition
Original copy of Operators Manual for a International Rotary Hoe 300 Setting Up instructions fair condition, age worn
Fair condition, Operators Manual setting up instructions for McCormick International 468 Cultivato
Operators manual 480 Tandem Disk harrow Setting Up directions.
OPERATORS Manual International Harvester Farmall Cub, Cub Lo-Boy 1947-1959 This new reproduction manual is similar to the original owner's manual that came with the tractor This paperback manual contains 47 pages
This is a reproduction of the original
For Hydraulic Lift-All H and M models. This manual is a new reproduction of the original that came with your tractor. 21 pages. Operators Manual Farmall Hydraulic Lift-All H, M, MD. Reprint of the Original Factory Operators Manual.
For 140. This manual is a new reproduction of the original that came with your tractor. 58 pages.
For A and AV, includes Lift-All. This New reproduction manual just like the original owner's manual that came with the tractor. 117 pages.
For Cub 184. This manual is a new reproduction of the original that came with your tractor. 60 pages. (photo is generic)
For Cub 185. This manual is a new reproduction of the original that came with your tractor. 62 pages.
For Cub and Cub Lo-Boy '60 and later. This manual is a new reproduction of the original that came with your tractor. 86 pages. (photo is generic)
For Farmall Regular model.This manual is a new reproduction of the original that came with your tractor. 120 pages.
For Super H and Super HV. This manual is a new reproduction of the original that came with your tractor. 102 pages.
For Super M and Super MV. This manual is a new reproduction of the original that came with your tractor. 134 pages.
For Super MD and Super MDV. This manual is a new reproduction of the original that came with your tractor. 114 pages. IH-O- supMD, MDV
like new original condition Operator's manual for 464 International tractor
Operators Manual for Farmall 100. This new reproduction manual is similar to the original owner's manual that came with the tractor. 94 pages
International Harvester Operators Manual for Super C. This manual is a new reproduction of the original that came with your tractor. 103 pages.
Operators Manual Setting Up Instructions Parts List McCormick (also McCormick-Deering) No. 27-V Universal Tractor Mower (5, 6, and 7-ft. Cut) Age worn condition, tear on front cover but complet
Preventative Maintenance for Cub and Cub Lo-Boy. This manual is a new reproduction of the original that came with your tractor.68 pages.
Original Operators Manual Setting up instructions for a McCormick International 120 Balanced Mower Good condition just age worn
used original Operators manual
For H and HV. This manual is a New reproduction of the original owner's manual that came with the tractor. 111 pages.
For Super A and Super AV. This manual New Reproduction of the original owner's manual that came with the tractor. 103 pages.
Operators manual-International T-340 Crawler Tractor
original copy of Operators Manual International 200 Mower no tears, good condition just age worn
Original Operators Manual Setting Up instructions International 400 Cyclo Planter (4-row and 6-row)Four-Row Four-Row Convertible (to Six-Row) Six Row Good condition, with some age worn cover, and writing in back but complete
This is an original publication, not a reproduction with 16 pages of 4 color reproductions and articles. From the winter of 1962.
Original Copy Good condition, age worn, no torn pages. Four-Row (36in. to 40in.) Six-row (28 and 30-inch) International 78 Series Cultivators Setting Up Instructions
Original Copy! Fine condition, no torn pages, just aged worn.